1/17/2025 at 6:20:49 AM

PyViz – Overview of the Python visualization landscape

by leonry

1/17/2025 at 4:42:56 PM

Wow it’s a big list. My must have features are left and right y-axis, easy zoom and pan with the mouse, and live updating so I can stream data to plots from industrial processes, updating about every 200ms.

I used kst-plot which was really good. I think airbus uses it too.

These days I am not doing any real time analysis only historical, so I am using Victoria metrics with data fed from a wonderware historian and grafana, since working with the wonderware historian directly is painful, and our samples are one every 15s

I’m curious if anyone has used some of these python plotting libraries that might work for my use cases. Thanks

by applied_heat

1/17/2025 at 7:43:46 PM

I recently discovered pyQtgraph, for which I am grateful. It adds functionality to Qt to quickly visualize charts or (streaming) images with pan/zoom and ROI analysis built in. I'm using it for visualizing and analyzing images from custom image sensors while they are captured. Just 20-30 lines of code to make that vis+analysis possible.

by nuancebydefault

1/18/2025 at 3:30:00 AM

Anyone looking to do 3D modeling in Python should absolutely check out PyVista.

by j_bum

1/17/2025 at 6:22:37 AM


by davidjames1