1/17/2025 at 2:57:50 AM
Durov should change his last name to Durakov ("durak" is "fool" in Russian)! He wanted to show off with his girl-for-hire and got himself imprisoned after so many years of being cautious! Or maybe "Dickoff" would suit him better! Nobody trusts Telegram now because they got him by the balls!by nikolay
1/17/2025 at 7:25:54 AM
I'm surprised anyone trusted Telegram to begin with, as it has never, ever been secure, especially not on desktop.It was not secure, it was only pretty and feature-rich, I guess.
by johnisgood
1/17/2025 at 9:00:59 AM
Geopolitics is a funny game innit? If you trust any digital device you are in for a very rude awakening one day if you cross the wrong people lolby gunian