1/17/2025 at 12:33:32 AM
Worth emphasising: Project Euler is a mathematical computation challenge, not a programming challenge like Advent of Code. The principal skill is algorithm design and as the problems progress you need to do more and more maths before you start coding.by moomin
1/17/2025 at 3:11:32 AM
Math is to computer science as physics is to mechanical engineering, so I feel like there isn’t a massive distinction.by LPisGood
1/17/2025 at 6:53:52 AM
They didn't say computer science, that said programming.by xboxnolifes
1/17/2025 at 9:02:47 AM
Let's just say you need a vastly different level of maths to succeed at project euler compared to aoc.by KeplerBoy
1/17/2025 at 9:19:03 AM
Personal experience: I stopped at a point where brute-forcing started to feel "unwelcomed", I think it was this one: https://martin-ueding.de/posts/project-euler-solution-66-dio...by fuhsnn
1/17/2025 at 3:27:59 AM
Advent of code is not a programming challage, it is a reading the spec challage.by llm_trw
1/17/2025 at 11:46:06 AM
Not the last 3-5 days.by drysine
1/17/2025 at 9:17:08 PM
Got a link? I tried it a long time ago and decided that I got enough misleading specs at work.by llm_trw
1/17/2025 at 8:10:45 AM
I would argue that the later Advent of Code challenges (especially from the last 3 or 4 years) are very similar to (early to mid-tier) Project Euler challenges in that you cannot start before giving it a good hour or so of thinkingby dark-star
1/17/2025 at 2:13:48 AM
Do you ever need to start coding? I thought it was a requirement of the project that problems be solvable with pencil and paper.by thaumasiotes
1/17/2025 at 2:24:44 AM
While some problems are actually solvable with just pencil and paper, this is not a requirement and the intention of the project is that problems will be solved with a combination of insight and coding.From the Project Euler website:
"Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems."
by mudita
1/17/2025 at 2:16:49 AM
Well you probably _could_ whiteboard it but some of them are about extending a pattern to the millionth term. If you're really smart you might be able to find a closed form to get there quick, but you can also just program the basic rule and iterateby wholinator2
1/17/2025 at 9:05:05 AM
Afaik most of them require you to find the trillionth term, rendering naïve approaches futile.by KeplerBoy
1/17/2025 at 7:36:50 AM
For the harder Euler problems you usually need a combination of mathematical insight and good coding technique. Each problem typically provides sample values for smaller instances of the problem, which you can confirm with a straightforward solution approach. Then the actual problem will be to calculate f(10^500) or some absurd value that requires insight to make tractable. They are extremely good challenges overall.by marsten