1/19/2025 at 11:18:49 PM
Day 50 trillion of begging Github for a functional notification system so I can stop receiving infinite numbers of emails from all the bots and similar things commenting on PRs.Also being designated a codeowner in a large repo, the number of notifications I get daily from the number of PRs is fucking absurd, with no way of turning them off. Drives me up the wall daily. If a colleague doesn't straight up send me a PR in a DM, I'll basically never see it because I've given up on the notification screen a looooong time ago.
by sensanaty
1/20/2025 at 7:59:02 AM
Doesn’t unwatching a repo limit notifications to mentions and participated threads?by deckar01
1/20/2025 at 1:53:40 PM
Codeowners are added as a reviewer to every PR that touches a file under their (team) ownership. In a large codebase it can easily happen that a large % of PRs changes something you're a codeowner for.by ricardobeat
1/20/2025 at 2:52:12 AM
Have you been able to try trailer.app?by adsteel_
1/20/2025 at 12:39:34 AM
It’s fine for small projects. I clear mine daily, and it’s the sole place I do any communication management.by christophilus
1/20/2025 at 4:14:27 PM
It's a workaround, but why not use email filters for this?by blharr
1/21/2025 at 9:44:20 AM
Well I do (basically 99% of github emails are auto-purged from my email inbox), but the problem is that the github platform itself on the notifications page is unusable. It'd be nice if I could use it!by sensanaty