The title of the submission is somewhat bait, unfortunately the Cargo.lock doesn't seem to be public. Since my current Rust side-project also has some kind of database (along with, well, a p2p system) and also totals 454 dependencies, I've decided to do a breakdown of my dependency graph (also because I was curious myself): - 85 are related to gix (a Rust reimplementation of git, 53 of those are gix itself, that project is unfortunately infamous for splitting things into crates that probably should've been modules)
- 91 are related to pgp and all the complexity it involves (aes with various cipher modes, des, dsa, ecdsa, ed25519, p256, p384, p521, rsa, sha3, sha2, sha1, md5, blowfish, camellia, cast5, ripemd, pkcs8, pkcs1, pem, sec1, ...)
- 71 are related to http/irc/tokio (this includes a memory-safe tls implementation, an http stack like percent-encoding, mime, chunked encoding, ...)
- 26 are related to the winapi (which I don't use myself, but are still part of the resolved dependency graph)
- 8 are related to web assembly (unused when compiling for Linux)
- 2 are relatd to android (also unused when compiling for Linux)
In some ways this is a reminder of how much complexity we're building on top of for the sake of compatibility.Also keep in mind "reviewing 100 lines of code in 1 library" and "reviewing 100 lines of code split into 2 libraries" is still pretty much the same amount of code (if any of us actually reviewed all their dependencies). You might even have a better time reviewing the sha2 crate vs the entirety of, if that's all you needed.
My project has been around for (almost) two years, I scanned every commit for vulnerable dependencies using this command:
for commit in $(git log --all --pretty='%H'); do git show "$commit":Cargo.lock > Cargo.lock && cargo audit -n --json | jq -r '.vulnerabilities.list[] | ( + " - " +'; done | sort | uniq
I got a total of 25 advisories (basically what you would be exposed to if you ran all binaries from every single commit simultaneously today). Here's the list: RUSTSEC-2020-0071 - time
RUSTSEC-2023-0018 - remove_dir_all
RUSTSEC-2023-0034 - h2
RUSTSEC-2023-0038 - sequoia-openpgp
RUSTSEC-2023-0039 - buffered-reader
RUSTSEC-2023-0052 - webpki
RUSTSEC-2023-0053 - rustls-webpki
RUSTSEC-2023-0071 - rsa
RUSTSEC-2024-0003 - h2
RUSTSEC-2024-0006 - shlex
RUSTSEC-2024-0019 - mio
RUSTSEC-2024-0332 - h2
RUSTSEC-2024-0336 - rustls
RUSTSEC-2024-0345 - sequoia-openpgp
RUSTSEC-2024-0348 - gix-index
RUSTSEC-2024-0349 - gix-worktree
RUSTSEC-2024-0350 - gix-fs
RUSTSEC-2024-0351 - gix-ref
RUSTSEC-2024-0352 - gix-index
RUSTSEC-2024-0353 - gix-worktree
RUSTSEC-2024-0355 - gix-path
RUSTSEC-2024-0367 - gix-path
RUSTSEC-2024-0371 - gix-path
RUSTSEC-2024-0373 - quinn-proto
RUSTSEC-2024-0421 - idna
I guess I'm doing fine. Keep in mind, the binary is fully self-contained, there is no "look, my program has zero dependencies, but I need to ship an entire implementation of the gnu operating system along with it".