Anyone remember the Metrocard bending trick that worked in the '90s til sometime early-mid 2000s?You'd just have to find an empty value Metrocard (that wasn't previously bent for this trick), make a partial vertical bend in the magstripe track in a certain area, then swipe a few times and the turnstile would let you in on the swipe following display of the "Swipe again at this turnstile" message.
I think it had something to do with causing difficulty writing to the magstripe track, and the system generously allowing entry if it couldn't determine the last write state of the card, before the whole card got revoked? Or something along those lines.
9:48:22 PM
I had friends who used this technique when they were living in NYC for a contract gig and one of the devs showed him.Apparently the catch was you had to have a "two-trip" card. The other catch was these were not that readily available and were only distributed by specific social agencies. My buddy got one when he applied for SNAP benefits and said he needed the card for transport to his gig.
Once he had the card, he had his co-worker bend it for him and he said in the year he was working there, he never had to buy a metro card and saved quite a bit with the hack. Apparently it was still working as late as 2017 (The MTA never fixed the issue) but Metrocards were completely phased out last year as OMNY took over completely after starting in 2019.
by burningChrome
12:01:13 AM
Metrocards were not phased out yet, they definitely still work.The trick did work on regular cards that you could just pick up off the floor - but at some point they fixed the general glitch. It's interesting that it continued to work on only certain types of cards though!
by cypherpunks01